Our church vision is: Knowing Jesus – Making Jesus known.

We are excited and challenged by our faith and the journey that we are on together. These are some of the things that are important to us.


Bible-Based and Prayer Focused


We love dynamic Bible teaching that is relevant for everyday life.

Spirit-Led Worshippers


We are blessed that as Christians we don’t have to live in our own strength. We have the gift of the Holy Spirit to equip us and guide us as we seek to faithfully follow Christ. We encourage people to explore the rich and varied gifts of the Spirit, including prophecy, healing, speaking in tongues. In corporate worship we see ourselves as a family church with a mix of people in terms of age, race and background; we seek to embrace the best of both traditional and contemporary styles.

Sharing Life


There are many amazing people who come to the church who have experienced God in lots of different ways. Getting to know others, developing friendships, discovering a place where we are accepted and it is safe to be ourselves, is important. We have to make time for this so we encourage people to spend time with others outside of Sunday services.



We are privileged that God has given each of us gifts and therefore we have something to offer back to God. We aim to help people discover how they can best serve God and each other.

Sharing Faith


We believe the best of life comes through knowing Jesus, so we will share our faith in words and action. We don’t exist just for those who already come to church, but want to give others the opportunity to experience His love. Each person is special to God and we should make each person feel special and that they can belong to our church family.

Community Committed


We will be relevant to those that live, work and interact around us, demonstrating vibrancy and love for our neighbours.

Being Kingdom Inspired


We experience a ‘holy discontent’ that leads us to work towards Kingdom values. This includes supporting Christian missionaries locally and worldwide, confronting evil, challenging injustice and valuing the whole of creation.